March 1-3, 2024
Youth Grades 7-12/Young Adults Grads – 21yrs

Battle Tribes. Eat food. Play Games. Hang with Friends. Worship God and hear great preaching. Get very little sleep.


Bedding: pillow, sleeping bag
(cabins are heated and have mattresses)

Clothing: day clothes, running shoes, bathing suit, warm jacket, toque,
scarf, gloves, winter boots, snow pants, skates (optional)

Other: Bible, water bottle, medications (given to your youth pastor),
towel, face cloth, soap, toiletries, (showers provided)

Drop Off and Pick Up

If you are traveling with Daystar Church
  • MEET: Friday, 4:30 pm (or earlier) at Daystar Church. Bus will be departing at 4:50pm sharp. Please be on time.
  • PICKUP: Sunday, 3:00pm at Daystar